PandoraStar Deep Trance Meditation Machine
The PandoraStar Deep Trance Meditation Machine is a flickering light device designed to simulate the brain’s natural production of neurochemicals for inducing meditation and altered states of consciousness.
PandoraStar uses LED lights arranged in a sacred geometrical pattern which can be programmed to produce high frequency light for the brain to decode in unique ways. Clients “watch” PandoraStar’s stroboscopic LEDs through closed eyes as they flicker at frequencies chosen specifically for their personal session goals. The brain’s electromagnetic activity naturally begins to follow the frequencies of light in a process known as Brain Entrainment or Brainwave Synchronization.
Research shows that particular frequencies of brain activity cause postivie effects including: reduced feelings of stress and anxiety, improved short term memory and memory integration, increased concentration and improved creativity. Furthermore, increasing alpha brainwaves can result in relief of chronic pain, migraines, and sleep disorders.
I provide 30, 45, and 60-minute PandoraStar sessions priced at $50, $75, and $100 respectively. This includes a consultation at the start of your appointment to select the program that best meets your needs.
PandoraStar sessions should not be experienced if you have a pacemaker or if you have recieved facial laser treatment in the last month.
Avoid experiencing PandoraStar sessions if you: have had a traumatic brain injury, or brain surgery, take certain medications for depression/anxiety or photosensitive medication, are pregnant, live with psychiatric conditionis that involve psychosis, or if you or your family have history of seizures/epilepsy.
PandoraStar sessions are not for children.
If you have medical conditions that need regular treatment (i.e. heart disease, diabetes, cancer), consult your healthcare provider before booking a PandoraStar session.